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Gilbert Chlewicki
Gilbert Chlewicki, Division Director at ATS/American is the “father of the DDI” and is considered the national expert on the DDI. As you will read in the history section, Chlewicki came up with the idea of the DDI back in 2000 and wrote a term paper on the idea. The name “diverging diamond interchange” was his creation. Six months after developing the design, he was on vacation in France when he surprisingly went through a “diverging diamond” on his tour bus to Versailles. Chlewicki came back home determined more than ever that this was a great concept worth studying and…
Comments or Questions?
Are you curious whether the diverging diamond interchange is the right solution for you? Do you have other intersections, interchanges, or corridors that need improvement? We can help with our expertise and large toolbox of designs to optimize these innovative solutions and give you the best solutions possible. Please contact us to find out how.
Submit a DDI or Innovative Design Location
Do you know of a DDI or other innovative design that should be added to our website and map? Please fill out the fields below to submit the location and we will add it as soon as possible.